Resolution Approving Additional Funding for the John B. Foley Park Restrooms
Description of Topic: (who, what, where, when, why and how much) We would like to add acoustic panels, sidewalk in trim, and programming with Security 101 to the new bathrooms in the park.
Budgetary Impact:
Non-Capital Item:
____ Budgeted under account #_______________ (discussion item)
____ Not budgeted, requesting transfer of $__________ from Account #______________ to Account #_____________.**Request to Transfer Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
____ Not budgeted requiring increase to account #___________ in the amount of $____________.**Request to Increase Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
Capital - Departmental **Capital Purchase Worksheet form must be attached**
____ Budgeted under account #______________ for $_________ and described in budget as ________________________. Additional amount needed, if any: Increase in budget of $_________ OR, transfer of $________ from Account #____________ to Account #_____________**Request to Increase OR Request toTransfer Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
____ Not Budgeted - account #____________ requires budget increase of $_____________.**Request to Increase Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
Capital Project - **If requesting to start a project, a Capital Project Worksheet form must be attached**
In current year Capital Projects Plan:
_____ Yes, described as __________________________, planned amount $___________, requesting $_________ as total project estimate, including contingencies, under account #_________________
_____ No, requesting $___________ as total project estimate, including contingencies, under account #____________________.
___X__ Yes, requesting an increase of $10,000.00 to an already approved project titled New Comfort Station John B Foley Park that is being tracked un...
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