A Resolution Amending Street Department Budget for Sidewalk Maintenance.
Description of Topic: (who, what, where, when, why and how much)
In FY24, RES 24-1296 approved additional funds in the amount of $60k under account # 100-3013-6010 for Ashford Park sidewalk improvements to bring them up to ADA standards. James Brothers was unable to perform repairs before the end of FY24, and Street Department requests $63,000 to be appropriated in FY25 for these repairs. RES 24-1215 approved additional funds in the amount of $110k for major repairs to the sidewalk along HWY 98 from Cypress to Juniper. Easements were not obtained in time for these repairs to be made in FY24. Street Department requests $110,000 to be appropriated in FY25 to complete these repairs.
Budgetary Impact:
Non-Capital Item:
____ Budgeted under account #_______________ (discussion item)
____ Not budgeted, requesting transfer of $__________ from Account #______________ to Account #_____________.**Request to Transfer Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
_x__ Not budgeted requiring increase to account #__100-3013-6010__ in the amount of $___173,000__.**Request to Increase Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
Capital - Departmental **Capital Purchase Worksheet form must be attached**
____ Budgeted under account #______________ for $_________ and described in budget as ________________________. Additional amount needed, if any: Increase in budget of $_________ OR, transfer of $________ from Account #____________ to Account #_____________**Request to Increase OR Request toTransfer Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
____ Not Budgeted - account #____________ requires budget increase of $_____________.**Request to Increase Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
Capital Project - **If requesting to start a project, a Capital Project Worksheet form must be attached**
In current year Capita...
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