An Ordinance Approving an Intergovernmental Service Agreement for the Use of County Voting Machines and the Service of the County Voting Machine Custodian and Employees for Municipal Elections
WHEREAS, as authorized by Code of Alabama 1975, SEction 11-102-1, any county or incorporated municipality of the State of Alabama may enter into a written contract with any one or more counties or incorporated municipalities for the joint exercise of any power or service that state or local law authorizes each of the contracting entities to exercise individually, and
WHEREAS, no contract entered into pursuant to this chapter shall take effect until the contract has been approved by the governing body of each of the contracting municipalities or counties. Approval by a county governing body shall be by adoption of a resolution, and approval by a municipal governing body shall be by adoption of an ordinance of general and permanent operation, and
WHEREAS, the municipalities of Baldwin County, Alabama, from time to time have requested assistance in their administration of the electoral franchise benefiting the public by providing the municipalities with the use, at no cost, of County-owned voting machines during municipal elections, and
WHEREAS, to cooperate in the administration of the electoral franchise benefiting the public, the City of Foley, Alabama wishes to enter into an Intergovernmental Service Agreement with Baldwin County, Alabama, to allow the use of the County-owned voting machines, at no cost, for municipal elections with the understanding that the City shall be responsible for all costs associated with the provision of services of the County Voting Machine Custodian and any and all other election related costs and to provide for the reimbursement of County for the costs associated with the services which may be provided by the County Voting Machine Custodian, a County employee, or any other County employee in connection with the transporta...
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