A Resolution Approving a Facade Grant Extension - Vita Bruno / Truist
WHEREAS, during the regular Council meeting of September 16, 2013, Council approved Resolution 13-0486 approving the Façade Improvement Incentive Grant Program to provide financial
assistance for exterior appearance improvement projects on buildings located in the National Register and Local Downtown Historic Districts, and
WHEREAS, the Façade Improvement Incentive Grant Program was amended on July 6, 2020 and
July 20, 2020 to include the Foley Main Street boundary, allowing the business and or property owner to apply and to begin work at their risk prior to grant approval, and
WHEREAS, the structure located at 200 W Laurel Avenue is a Non-Contributing Structure located in the National Register Historic District, and
WHEREAS, Vita Bruno has provided the required information and the Historical Commission has recommended approval.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Foley, Alabama, as follows:
SECTION 1: Whereas, the City Council approved the Façade Grant for the requested work on
March 18, 2024. Based on a previous request from the applicant, the grant approval was extended by staff to December 18, 2024.
SECTION 2: Whereas, any further extensions must go through City Council for approval. The applicant is requesting a 3 month extension to March 18, 2025.
SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption as required by law.