A Resolution to Memorialize the Application Submitted for the FY24 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Coastal Zone Management Habitat Protection and Restoration Competition through NOAA
The Nature Parks Department requests permission to memorialize the application submitted to the FY24 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Coastal Zone Management Habitat Protection and Restoration Competition through NOAA. The land acquisition will fund $4,000,000 to purchase 470 acres of the western shore of Wolf Bay (also known as Mulberry Point). The existing GOMESA grants and city funds will be used to purchase the remaining 1136 acres for a total acquisition of 1606 acres. The application deadline was January 13, 2025.
Budgetary Impact:
Non-Capital Item:
____ Budgeted under account #_________________ (discussion item)
____ Not budgeted, requesting transfer of $__________ from Account #______________ to Account #_____________.**Request to Transfer Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
____ Not budgeted requiring increase to account #___________ in the amount of $____________.**Request to Increase Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
Capital - Departmental **Capital Purchase Worksheet form must be attached**
____ Budgeted under account #______________ for $_________ and described in budget as ________________________. Additional amount needed, if any: Increase in budget of $_________ OR, transfer of $________ from Account #____________ to Account #_____________**Request to Increase OR Request toTransfer Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
____ Not Budgeted - account #____________ requires budget increase of $_____________.**Request to Increase Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
Capital Project - **If requesting to start a project, a Capital Project Worksheet form must be attached**
In current year Capital Projects Plan:
_____ Yes, described as __________________________, planned amount $___________, requesting $_________ as total project estimate, including contingencies, under account #_________________
_____ No, requesting $___________ as total project estimate, including contingencies, under account #____________________.
_____ Yes, requesting an increase of $___________ to an already approved project titled ________________________ that is being tracked under Account No. ___________________.
_____ No, requesting an increase of $__________ to an already approved project titled _______________________ that is being tracked under Account No. _________________.
WHEREAS, the Nature Parks Department requests permission to memorialize the application submitted to the FY24 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Coastal Zone Management Habitat Protection and Restoration Competition through NOAA, and
WHEREAS, the land acquisition will fund $4,000,000 to purchase 470 acres of the western shore of Wolf Bay (also known as Mulberry Point), and
WHEREAS, the existing GOMESA grants and city funds will be used to purchase the remaining 1136 acres for a total acquisition of 1606 acres, and
WHEREAS, the application deadline was January 13, 2025.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Foley, Alabama, as follows:
SECTION 1: Memorialized the application submitted to the FY24 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Coastal Zone Management Habitat Protection and Restoration Competition through NOAA for $4,000,000.
SECTION 2: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption as required by law.