A Resolution to Accept FY25 LSTA (Library Service and Technology Act) Grant
The City of Foley Public Library requests the Council to accept the FY25 LSTA grant in the amount of $30,000.00. The amount will be matched with $30,000.00 in local funds that was approved by Resolution # 24-1145 dated 4/1/24. The grant will be used to purchase a new community outreach vehicle (SUV). The library currently has budgeted $45,000 in the capital purchase fund, but will need to increase the budget by $15,000 to cover the entire $60,000 worth of expenses for the grant. The library will also request to increase the grant revenue account to offset the expenses for $30,000. The library requests permission to move forward with the vehicle capital purchase through an invitation to bid and purchase if bids are below the budgeted expenses of $60,000.
Budgetary Impact:
Non-Capital Item:
____ Approved by Resolution # ____________ to amend the FY25 budget:
____ Not budgeted, requesting transfer of $__________ from Account #______________ to Account #_____________.**Request to Transfer Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
__X__ Not budgeted requiring increase to account #100-5020-4303 (LSTA Grant Revenue) in the amount of $30,000.**Request to Increase Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
Capital - Departmental **Capital Purchase Worksheet form must be attached**
__X__ Budgeted under account #100-5020-5100 for $45,000 and described in budget as SUV. Additional amount needed, if any: Increase in budget of $15,000 **Request to Increase OR Request toTransfer Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
____ Not Budgeted - account #____________ requires budget increase of $_____________.**Request to Increase Departmental Budget Dollars form must be attached**
Capital Project - **If requesting to start a project, a Capital Project Worksheet form must be attached**
In current year Capital Projects Plan:
_____ Yes, described as __________________________, planned amount $___________, requesting $_________ as total project estimate, including contingencies, under account #_________________
_____ No, requesting $___________ as total project estimate, including contingencies, under account #____________________.
_____ Yes, requesting an increase of $___________ to an already approved project titled ________________________ that is being tracked under Account No. ___________________.
_____ No, requesting an increase of $__________ to an already approved project titled _______________________ that is being tracked under Account No. _________________.
WHEREAS, Resolution #24-1145 approved the City of Foley's Public Library's application for the FY25 LSTA grant application for $60,000 with a $30,000 local match if awarded, and
WHEREAS, the City of Foley Public Library has received notice of award from the Alabama Public Library Service, and
WHEREAS, the City of Foley Public Library designated the expenditure of the grant for the purchase of new community outreach SUV, and
WHEREAS, the library currently has budgeted $45,000 in the capital purchase fund, but will need to increase the budget by $15,000 to cover the entire $60,000 worth of expenses for the grant, and
WHEREAS, the library will also request to increase the grant revenue account to offset the expenses for $30,000, and
WHEREAS, the library requests permission to move forward with the vehicle capital purchase through an invitation to bid and purchase if bids are below the budgeted expenses of $60,000.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Foley, Alabama, as follows:
SECTION 1: Accepts the award of $30,000.00 LSTA grant and the $30,000.00 in matching funds, for a total of $60,000.00 to be used for the purchase of a new community outreach SUV.
SECTION 2: Amends the FY25 budget in the amount of $30,000.00 to LSTA Grant Revenue Account #100-5020-4303 and $15,000 to Library Capital Purchase account# 100-5020-5100.
SECTION 3: Authorizes the Library to procure the new community outreach vehicle under City purchasing guidelines for a not to exceed price of $60,000.00.
SECTION 4: Appoints Kate Norris to serve as the grant manager who will be responsible for submitting all required reports to the granting agency and to the City of Foley's Grant Administrator.
SECTION 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption as required by law.